- Priority - High
- Affecting Other - Voice Outage
03/03/2017 02:34
UTCPlease be advised that all services have now been restored.
We apologises for the inconvenience this has caused and the delays in restoration.
Please contact Support team if you are still experiencing issues.
Please be advised that we are currently experiencing issues with Voice services on our underlying switching platform.
Our engineers are working to establish the cause of the failure and to restore Voice services.
We apologises for the inconvenience caused.
Please contact support should you have any questions, comments or concerns.
03/03/2017 01:47
UTCEstimated Restoration: 03/03/2017 02:00 (UTC)
The restoration process is underway although is taking longer than anticipated.
At this point we expect full restoration before 13:00 AEST
02/03/2017 23:48
UTCEstimated Restoration: 11/03/2017 12:30 (UTC)
Please be advised that we have identified the issue to be due to a database corruption.
Services are progressively being restored, expect all services to be restored by around 11.30am AEST.
Further updates will be provided as they become available.
- Date - 03/03/2017 10:21
- Last Updated - 03/03/2017 13:34
- Priority - High
- Affecting System - ADSL2+/NBN Services
Due to emergency card replace to resolve a fault condition in the state of NSW, ADSL2+ and NBN services may experience a disruption during the outage window advised below.
In the event your service does not restore on completion of the planned event, please turn your modem off for 60 seconds and then restart it. If your service does not restore after this restart, please contact our Customer Support Team to investigate further.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Work Start: 27/07/2016 04:00 AM
Work End: 27/07/2016 06:00 AM
Timezone: Sydney/NSW
Outage Duration: 15 minsIf you have any queries relating to this notification, please contact us via our Online Helpdesk.
- Date - 27/07/2016 04:00 - 27/07/2016 06:00
- Last Updated - 03/02/2017 16:27